Posts Tagged 'Customer Support'

Spotlight on KronoDesk 4.0 - LDAP and ActiveDirectory Integration

July 19, 2021

Our development team has been working feverishly on the next version of KronoDesk, our acclaimed help desk solution that adds service desk functionality to our Spira platform. There are many new features and improvements as part of KronoDesk 4.0, and this article focuses on the new support for Microsoft ActiveDirectory and LDAP that will be available in the new version.

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Onboarding is a Team Sport - How We Changed Evaluations

May 21, 2019

One of the changes we have made in the latest version of Spira is to increase the trial evaluation accounts to support up to 20 concurrent users. Previously our trial cloud instances were limited to only three concurrent users. Find out why we decided to make the change.

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4 Signs You Need to Purge Your Ticket System

October 10, 2018

Having a quality customer support system is vital for any business, small or large. A really good system puts your business ahead of the competition. In fact, according to Huffington Post, research has proven that a whopping 55 percent of consumers are willing to pay more for a guaranteed good experience.


This means it’s time to get rid of your current ticket system for evaluating customer issues. Whether you offer an upgraded experience to those willing to pay more or change your system from the bottom-up, here’s how to know your ticket systems is outdated. Whether in a help desk or in customer support, here’s when it’s time to cater to your customers in a way that organizes the highest priorities.

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Spotlight on KronoDesk 3.0 - New Reporting Functionality

September 20, 2018

Our development team has been working feverishly on the next version of KronoDesk, our acclaimed help desk solution for SpiraTeam. There are many new features and improvements as part of KronoDesk 3.0, and this article focuses on the enhancements to the reporting system.

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Spotlight on KronoDesk 3.0 - Tickets, Knowledge Base and User Groups

August 30, 2018

Our development team has been working feverishly on the next version of KronoDesk, our acclaimed help desk solution for SpiraTeam. There are many new features and improvements as part of KronoDesk 3.0, and this article focuses on the enhancements to the help desk and knowledge base modules.

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The Top 5 Reasons You Should Switch from Zendesk

March 14, 2017

Many people start out using a tool because they have heard of it, or because a colleague recommended it. However they don't always look at the features they need or the time and money it will cost to get it up and running, delivering value.

So we thought it would be useful to take a look at Zendesk, a popular help desk tool and see why you might want to switch to KronoDesk 2.0.

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Spotlight on KronoDesk 2.0: Mobile Responsive Design

March 8, 2017

As you may have read - we're happy to have released the much-awaited update to KronoDesk, our help desk system. In this blog series, we'll be taking a look at some of the awesome new features in the latest version. Second on the list is the work that was done to make the entire system mobile responsive.

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Spotlight on KronoDesk 2.0: Integrated Theming

March 7, 2017

As you may have read - we're happy to have released the much-awaited update to KronoDesk, our help desk system. In this blog series, we'll be taking a look at some of the awesome new features in the latest version. First on the menu is the new theming engine.

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Getting Social with Inflectra?

January 6, 2017

One of our new year's resolutions for 2017 was being more engaged with our global community of developers, testers, managers, agilsts, evangelists and partners. As part of this we are going to be improving our use of social media channels as well as email and our website. This will bring you more up to date information on what we're doing as well as give you a voice in helping shape our plans for the future.

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KronoDesk 2.0 Will Suggest Ways to Solve Customer Problems

November 30, 2016

One of the exciting new features included in the soon-to-be-released update to our KronoDesk help desk system is the ability to auto-suggest information before a customer submits a ticket.

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Why Customer Service is An Investment Not A Cost!

September 27, 2016

Companies often see customer support as solely an expense to be endured and ideally minimized. However at Inflectra we have always seen great customer service as a competitive advantage and an asset on our balance sheet. This was recently brought home to us by two separate customer experiences.

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Themes Aren't What They Used To Be

July 28, 2016

Kronodesk, Inflectra's helpdesk and support tool, is getting some exciting changes ahead of the release of version 2.0. Every part of the application is being refreshed, reworked, and redesigned. Kronodesk's theme editor is no exception. It will let users quickly and easily customize exactly how the application looks, letting them closely match their other websites and assets. Read More

Whose Customer Support is it Anyway?

April 14, 2016

When you need multiple tools to get your work done there are multiple points of failure. You want to get stuff done, but what if widget A suddenly stops talking to widget B? Is it because of widget A? Widget B? The plugin that gets them to play nicely together? What do you have to do to get things fixed? Read More

A First Look at KronoDesk 2.0

January 8, 2016

We have been working hard in 2015 to completely update the user interface of KronoDesk to make it fully mobile-responsive, optimize its user experience and also improve its performance. This is of course in addition to the new features already planned (ability to group accounts, reporting, ability to send documents, customizeable roles).

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KronoDesk has made the Top 25 in GetRank!

April 8, 2015

GetApp has just released its 2015 Q1 Customer Service ranking, GetRank, and KronoDesk has made the top 25.

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Why I Buy from Agile Developers!

March 26, 2015

If you use software tools, and who doesn’t, you probably want to get the best possible customer support and service to go with it. I include ‘service’ here because I want to consider more than just whether the company has a support hot line. It is important to me that vendors listen to me when I make suggestions or recommendations; that they provide help which is more than a telephone operator reading a script; and that they provide forums that enable me to interact with other users, sharing knowledge, tips and ideas. This would be support and service.

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It’s an Issue! Don’t Bug Me!

May 29, 2014

I recently had cause to call my bank. Now, I wasn’t expecting to speak to a real person right away; I don’t pay enough fees for that. But I was at least hoping that relatively quickly I could press 1, then press 3 and then 2 to get to the right person to ask my question. Like most of us, I have battled automated help systems on many occasions and I know the routine. I had checked the support website and looked for pre-existing answers to my question, but with no luck and so now I had turned to the phone. As an aside, can it really be true that every organization out there needs me to listen to their entire message because they have all changed their menu options? Are they ever going to get them right? Read More

Customer Support is an Asset Not a Liability

May 6, 2014

In the rush to streamline and cut costs, there is a tendency towards reduced customer contact with real people. This poses real challenges in industries such as computer software that depend on frequent customer feedback to make sure they are building systems that actually meet their end users' needs. Read More